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Showing posts from May, 2020

Further Thoughts on the Con Man in the White House

Further Thoughts on the Con Man in the White House        Honest people are generally consistent.   If you are dishonest, there are a couple of ways to operate.   Either you remember all of your lies and work to sound as consistent as possible, or you take several positions on everything: when confronted, you quote whichever position clears you.   As an example, you can advocate relaxing mitigation policies to slow the spread of covid-19, tweeting to your followers to liberate particular states, then hours later claim that you are against Georgia's relaxation policy.   An added bonus is that if things go well in Georgia, you can take credit for encouraging the "liberation";   if things go badly, you can blame the governor.   Con men never stop conning.      Similarly, you can repeat that you closed the borders to China as a defense against failing to do anything else.   (Note: even with the Ch...