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Showing posts from August, 2019
On the Electoral College With all due respect to the wisdom and genius of the Founding Fathers, I believe they got one thing wrong: the electoral college. It is completely understandable.   I sometimes forget that there were no other democracies at the time; they were breaking new ground.   Whenever I hear politicians or pundits dodge hard questions by saying they don't want to engage in speculation, I think, "What cowardice."   The Founders had no maps, no manuals, no precedents to inform them other than the ancient Greeks, whose democracies were only for a small minority of the people, or the democratic principles practiced by some Native American tribes. So, it is understandable that they were hesitant to turn over all the power to all the people.   Even today, I think if we're honest, not many of us are completely comfortable with 100% suffrage.   I know I've felt that democracy is good, but I'm a little nervous about "those guys" v...