Political parties have long used wedge issues to encourage their members to turn out to vote. Sometimes these issues are inflammatory, employing demonization, occasionally to the point of being dangerous. I fear that this year, we are witnessing such an issue: the accusations of pedophilia. I realize that the Q-Anon conspiracy theorists have made this an issue for a couple of years now, but there is a new, and much more dangerous twist, that is surfacing that may turn out to be far more insidious. Rather than merely accusing all Democrats and liberals of being child-trafficking pedophiles who drink children’s blood, they have broadened out the accusation to include grooming children for pedophiles. A bit of background: you may remember the ardent believer who took a gun into a New York pizza parlor where he was told children were being kept in the basement by a cabal of pedophiles led by Hillary Clinton among others. Fortunatel...