I believe in god - my god. I believe partly because my parents believed and raised me to believe. But mostly because of my mortality. My tenuous existence drives me to believe in a god or gods, or life forces, in outerworldly notions unsupported by any evidence other than the similar language or desires of others. Since the affirmation of others is the only support I have, I seek out affirmation in as many places and ways as I can find. I try to spread the joy and comfort I experience from affirmation to others, claiming that I want them to share in what I have found, but actually needing to reaffirm my belief. The more people I can find or persuade toward my belief, the better. If I am insecure in my belief, I may become more adamant in my desire to spread my belief. I may become a missionary to teach my word. If that is not enough, I may threaten those who disagree. I may chastise or condemn them. I may shun them. I may imp...
Political parties have long used wedge issues to encourage their members to turn out to vote. Sometimes these issues are inflammatory, employing demonization, occasionally to the point of being dangerous. I fear that this year, we are witnessing such an issue: the accusations of pedophilia. I realize that the Q-Anon conspiracy theorists have made this an issue for a couple of years now, but there is a new, and much more dangerous twist, that is surfacing that may turn out to be far more insidious. Rather than merely accusing all Democrats and liberals of being child-trafficking pedophiles who drink children’s blood, they have broadened out the accusation to include grooming children for pedophiles. A bit of background: you may remember the ardent believer who took a gun into a New York pizza parlor where he was told children were being kept in the basement by a cabal of pedophiles led by Hillary Clinton among others. Fortunatel...