I believe in god - my god. I believe partly because my parents believed and raised me to believe. But mostly because of my mortality. My tenuous existence drives me to believe in a god or gods, or life forces, in outerworldly notions unsupported by any evidence other than the similar language or desires of others.
Since the affirmation of others is the only support I have, I seek out affirmation in as many places and ways as I can find. I try to spread the joy and comfort I experience from affirmation to others, claiming that I want them to share in what I have found, but actually needing to reaffirm my belief.
The more people I can find or persuade toward
my belief, the better.
If I am insecure in my belief, I may become
more adamant in my desire to spread my belief.
I may become a missionary to teach my
word. If that is not enough, I may
threaten those who disagree. I may
chastise or condemn them. I may shun
them. I may imprison, torture, or kill
those who believe differently.
I may do whatever I can to prove that my god
is "the" god, greater than any other god. With the blessing and aid of my god, I can
destroy anyone who believes in another god, a false god, or no god at all.
But, all the while, I know, deep down, that
the only logical belief, the only belief supported by any evidence other than
testimonial, storytelling, myth or legend, is that we live awhile, and we die.
The sooner we can accept that, the sooner we
can appreciate whatever life brings, the sooner we can figure out that all we
can do is figure out ways to live well together for as long as we have, then
the sooner we can stop the persecutions and wars of insecurity and join
together to try to make everyone's brief stay pleasant and joyous.
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