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On the Con Man in the White House

On the Con Man in the White House

I understand that reporters want to cover the story, not be the story, but these are exceptional times, and the body bags are piling up.  I'm calling on the White House press corps to report what the experts say, such as Dr.'s Fauci and Birx.  Please, don't ask Trump any questions.  His lies are misleading at best, deadly at worst.

Most people are mostly honest.  If they are caught in a lie, they will usually be embarassed and apologize.  This makes it hard for the average person to understand a con man.  A con man caught in a con will keep conning.  If brought to court, he will try to con the judge and jury.  If convicted, he will try to con the warden, the guards, and the other convicts.  A con man never stops conning.  Donald Trump is a con man who is currently above the law.  He knows that the best way to get people to fall for his con is to repeat the lies over and over again.  He will con relentlessly and with impunity.
I cannot just sit safely at home and shelter-in-place.  I have to do something.

I have absolute confidence that Trump will continue to pat himself on the back and do what is absolutely wrong for the safety of Americans.  In order to reopen businesses we need to know who is positive and who isn't.  That can only be done through massive testing.  Trump continues to insist that the United States leads the world in testing.  Given that he is an outrageous liar,  we must assume that this is not true.

Even if true, less than one percent of the population has been tested thus far.  Obviously, this is nowhere near the amount needed to make decisions on relaxing containment measures.  All epidemiologists and historians tell us that relaxing too soon will increase deaths in the second (and third?) wave of this virus.  The second wave will come.  That's how viruses work.  Trump will ignore this, claim he is doing the greatest job ever, blame everyone else, and cause more deaths and disease by far than otherwise would occur.

April 2020


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